Alphabet Pattern 7 (or) Character Pattern 7 Program in C

Write "C"  Program to print below Alphabet Pattern 7 (or) Character Pattern 7:

To understand this example, you should have knowledge of the following topics:
·     C if Else
·     C For loop
·     C programming operators
C Character pattern7 program using For loop:
#include<stdio.h> void main() { int i,j,k; printf("Enter the number of lines\n"); scanf("%d",&k); for(i = k;i >= 1;i--) {
for(j = k;j >= i;j--) { printf("%c",(char)(j+64)); } printf("\n"); } }

Enter the number of lines 5
  • The first three integers "i", "j", "k"  are declared of type int.
  • Then in the First for loop “i” value is initialized with a value of "k" (where the "k" value is given through Keyboard).
  • Now “i” value is checked with the condition "i >= 1". If the condition is True loops enter into second for loop.
  • Now the loop enters into the second for loop and checks the condition j >= i. Where "j =k". and the condition is True.
  • Now prints the " Alphabet". Print up to second for loop condition becomes False.
  • When the value of "i"  becomes less than the "1" value the program terminates.


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